– Payment of monthly tuition should be received for the month in full by invoice due date. You may pay by Credit Card online through the link on your emailed invoice. If paying by check please include your child’s name and the lesson month or invoice number in the check memo. Checks should dropped in the studio payment box or mailed to Golden Oak Music, 25030 Avenue Stanford, Suite 10, Valencia, CA 91355.
– Lessons will end at the scheduled end time even if a student is tardy. If you think you may be late to your lesson, please text or call your teacher before we become concerned. (But please do not text while you are driving)
– Twenty-four hours’ advance notice directly to your child’s teacher must be given to receive make-up lesson credit. No make-up credit will be given for lessons missed or for those cancelled with less than twenty-four hours’ notice. We understand that sometimes things do come up that require same-day cancellations. We respect your freedom to make that decision and we thank you for respecting our time. If your child is absent we will likely call; so please do let us know in advance, if possible, so we do not grow concerned.
– Make-up lesson credits expire thirty days after the lesson they were issued. Make-up lessons are to be scheduled either as an additional extension of a regular lesson time or at a new time. They may not be applied to a students regularly scheduled lessons. If you are having difficulty working out a make-up lesson time, please let us know. We want you or your child to get their make-up lesson in and continue improving!
– Please directly contact your teacher as soon as possible about the need to cancel or change a lesson time. The earlier we know as teachers the more likely we can find the best make-up lesson time for both. We appreciate as much notice as possible.
– Occasionally teachers do become ill or have emergencies. One of the great benefits of our studio environment is that a qualified substitute can usually step in for us. If we are unable to schedule a substitute, or give a make-up lesson, we will provide a refund for the lesson.
– A month’s notice by email to josh@goldenoakmusicstudios.com is required before quitting or putting lessons on hold. You are responsible for payment of lessons until thirty days after official notice to the studio has been given. This gives a teacher an opportunity to wrap-up lessons with your child and allows us the opportunity to fill the time slot that they have occupied.
– You are responsible for you and your child’s actions and safety. By entering any recital or studio premises, you acknowledge that you may not hold the premises liable for injury. In the case of damage to facilities, equipment or other you agree to fully compensate Golden Oak Music for any damage caused by actions of you or your children.
– Children not in lessons should always be supervised. Parents or guardians of students must be present at the studio at all times in case of emergency. By enrolling your child in lessons you agree that the safety of your child is your responsibility and that Golden Oak Music and your child’s teachers may not be held liable for the safety of your child.
– We reserve the right to suspend individuals from the studio or discontinue lessons if needed.
– Always feel free to talk with us about any questions, problems, conflicts, complaints, or compliments. (Email josh@goldenoakmusicstudios.com) All of us teachers want to be an encouragement and inspiration to our students. Vacations, illness, and crazy schedules are something we all understand. Make sure you let us know what’s going on and we’ll do our best to help. If you have any questions about the above policy please feel free to ask.
Respect of your fellow students, our time, and our studio is important to us. Thank you for understanding and abiding by the above policy.